What is Personal Data

This is information which relates to you as a customer, allowing us to repair your vehicle and the provision of high level of service which includes on-going communication. In order for us to do this, it is necessary for us to request, maintain and process data of our customers.

This includes, but is not exclusive of the following:

  • Your image and location when captured by CCTV at our sites.
  • Your full name and contact information (address, postcode, email and telephone number)
  • Your work contact details
  • Registration number, brand, make and model (also GPS data)

Why do we collect Personal Data?

  • To order parts and possibly forward to specialist sub-contractors (who will have an agreement stating they adhere to GDPR)
  • Recording of emails, calls and correspondence to assist in maintaining high standards, for future referral and on-going enquires.
  • Time and date of any purchases (including excess payments) – credit card details will be taken in-line with our PCI DSS policy.
  • With your consent, credit checks (if required), driving license checks and proof of identity to fulfil our service (i.e. provision of courtesy vehicles)
  • Internal record keeping
  • Customer feedback results and consents to use for marketing purposes

Who will use your Personal Information?

Your personal information is required to ensure the safe repair of your vehicle. In order for us to purchase parts and request specialist tasks which are required for the safe repair of your vehicle, we will have to use some of the personal data as identified above. Your information may also be used when discussing your claim / repair with our associates (i.e. work providers / Insurance Companies and Legal Entities).

We will only pass on information which is relative to your repair / claim and will only share this information if beneficial to you. You may be notified of the sharing of this information and asked for your permission.

IT hosting and IT maintenance companies will also be privy to this information, due to the nature of their functions. We will request contractual terms for such companies and monitor.

Sharing of information to law enforcement and regulatory authorities may also be required as permitted under law, this includes tax enforcement.

Keeping up to date

We will only keep your data for as long as required – this is normally 3 years in accordance with our policy and other requirements. Your information will be secure and in-line with this policy. When no longer required, we will delete / remove information in accordance with this policy.


We will keep you updated on any changes to this policy or related policies; if, however, you require further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please note – you are under no obligation to provide us with any details as previously listed; however, by not allowing us to use your details, this may prevent us with dealing with your claim and the repair to your vehicle.

All company policies are reviewed annually in January, this policy updated in January 2019 by Stephanie Crudgington, HR Manager